Monday, May 18, 2009

Life after school

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What does life hold for the crop of graduate graduating during this unpleasant economic cycle? That seems to be the question on the lips of many students and graduates today. I think the answer to this question can be found in a little bit of historical examination and a further investigation of what life really is. History tells us adversity brings the very best out of people. It forces men and women alike to reach deep within their being to bring substance they never they had. It propels humanity to action, to create, to survive. As Alan Axelrod in his book titled, Elizabeth 1 CEO, wrote (my paraphrase), Survival is an essential characteristics for those who desire to fulfill their dreams and vision.

During tough times, a phenomenon all too common about life, building deep survival instincts and attitude is a plus for those who are bent on achieving their dreams. It may require a lot adaptability, trying out new things and doing those things you have never thought possible. But the willingness to reach into that reservoir of untapped energy the faster you move on to the next threshold of individual accomplishment and fulfillment.

On the investigation of life. Life throws at us a series of unexpected and unannounced tests and examinations. It is much like those quizzes we are given in school by our tutors. You can never be over-prepared in life because there are limitless ways and areas in which you can (and will) be tested. The funny thing about the test is not only that more often than not, one is ill-prepared, also it seems as if, if you do not pass a test, you cannot move on to higher levels of challenges and potential success. For instance as Stephen Covey rightly observed in his seminal work on effectiveness: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, One must attain independence in thought and actions before one can be interdependent on others. Therefore by extension, if you are still dependent in an area of life, it means you may never obtain mastery in other areas because of the repeated weakness demonstrated in an area where you have been tested.

My advice for all students and graduates is:
- Never give up on yourself. Keep a positive mental attitude and seek personal and corporate improvement.
- Increase your level of personal discipline. Those things you have always wished you could do like managing your time, finances and work better etc., start doing them and applying all your concentration in order to increase your mastery in life.
- Stay focused and never lose sight on that goal you want to achieve. Life is full of distractions but one who operates like an eagle, has an eagle to spot a target and stay focused on achieving that target.
- Hard times are transient likewise good times. A little bit of planning and lifestyle adjustments help to reduce ones vulnerability to "macro-life" events - external events beyond ones control.

I penned these words down as a personal reflection in light of the 2009 commencement season. A lot of people feel this is worst time to be a graduate or a student. I say this is the best time to be alive.

I wish all graduates most especially friend and brother, Emmanuel, a wonderful life after school.

Cheers everyone!

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